Is our food killing us?

Has your Doctor talked to you about nutrition? Mine did, for years my family physician told me to lose weight. That didnt sink in because overall, I was feeling fine. What I didn’t know and refused to accept was that my lifestyle was killing me. Eventually, it caught up to me and I had a … Read more

What will the pause change?

We’ve been isolating ourselves since March 5th. Many local governments are releasing cautious plans to reopen. What will we learn from this Pause? We ponder that question in this blog. First off, it’s been along time since I posted on this site. Well, I have been writing. One of my volunteer positions is with the … Read more

Becoming Normal

How are you doing during physical distancing? I so prefer that term over social distancing. We still have tools to communicate socially so physical distancing is so much more accurate. The first couple of days we did not accomplish much. We soon learned to develop a routine and we accomplish much more while reducing TV … Read more

Farming is so misunderstood

Even though Della is a self-described townie, she attends the Farm Women’s conference each year. She came home so full of energy from the speakers and with a goody bag of great information.  Here are some of her take home learnings. One Hundred years ago, over half of Canadians worked on farms. Now that number … Read more