How are you doing during physical distancing? I so prefer that term over social distancing. We still have tools to communicate socially so physical distancing is so much more accurate.
The first couple of days we did not accomplish much. We soon learned to develop a routine and we accomplish much more while reducing TV time.
Social media can really take up a lot of time and create anxiety. I’ve learned not to give attention to conspiracy theories, what 5G phone systems will do to us (I don’t get that one at all) or how bad our Prime Minister is doing (not a fan though). Consequently, I’ve unfriended, blocked and gotten off a lot of mail lists. Now when, I check social media after morning coffee I get inspiration and of course news from reputable sources. I post to a couple of our pages then get about my day. The benefit is huge as I focus on the day not worry about what likely won’t happen.
We are doing our best to isolate ourselves. For the last couple weeks we’ve been in the house away from people except for weekly shopping. We have gotten some deliveries to the house from the bakery and water supplier. It’s turned out to be very handy although a little more planning is needed.
The pandemic hit while we were preparing to be away for the summer. So in a lot of ways we are prepared for physical distancing. We have our meds, dog supplies, etc ready for 6 months in the campground.
Tomorrow, I’m going to the supermarket to take advantage of the early opening for people with compromised health. As Della and I have health issues, I’m going tomorrow for our weekly run.
We got the Tower Garden put back together and seedlings planted. Checking them each morning has become a highlight. Yes, on day 3 there is growth. We’ve got the new LED lights installed. I’ve set the timer so it goes on at 8 Pm so the plants get 16 hours of light each day.

I’m really enjoying the time to learn about new technology. We introduced GSuite at the Museum very recently. I’ve been getting to know the wide variety of Google productivity products we now have access to.

I’m doing a little woodworking starting with a tray for the campground when it does reopen. I don’t have many supplies on hand so I do what I can do.
Speaking of the campground, a summer opening has not been ruled out. We’re not holding much hope for it though. Coincidently, we were wondering what a summer would be like in Cochrane. When the physical distancing limitations are lifted we’ll be itching to get back to work.
Is this the new normal? I’m thinking yes for the foreseeable future. Even afterwards this hasn’t been an entirely unenjoyable experience. Still, we’re looking forward to seeing friends, going to movies and getting back to the campground.