Solution found to hard water spots on RV
We’ve used our RV for the last six summers as our home while hosting at the Williams Lake Stampede Campground. The sites are irrigated nightly. We don’t have a lot of time for RV maintenance during the first half of the summer on the build up to Stampede. The second half of summer is slower … Read more
Williams Lake Stampede song
The Stampede even has a song written about it. Here are a couple of versions. One by the author, Alan Moberg, the other by George Hamilton IV. The original has a a couple embelishments . George Hamilton
Campground Opening 2020
Della and I have a contract at the Williams Lake Stampede Campground for the past 4 years. We’ve been here for the past 2 weeks getting the campground in order for a limited opening June 1st. We welcome self sufficient campers to our fully serviced sites. We are complying with Provincial Health guidelines so our … Read more
Tell me more about the price
First off, ask yourself what your health is worth. I know its worth the price of a daily cup of coffee. I know that before I became aware of the benefits I thought about the cost. But after the first 4 months it never, ever crossed my mind again. I retired my cane to the … Read more
How Juice Plus is made.
I wrote yesterday about How Nature is so Smart. Well to ensure Nature is not messed with I thought I’d tell you about how Juice Plus+ is made. We get awesome support from the Company. I can’t explain how Juice Plus+ is made any better than this video and webpage. I’ve always been so impressed … Read more
This came as a surprise to me!
When I retired I had no specific goals; just 2 broad goals I wanted to accomplish: Regain my Health Don’t spend the rest of my life watching Netflix on the couch. We had a great media room mind you, but I had no intention of spending a lot of time there. When I retired I … Read more
What will the pause change?
We’ve been isolating ourselves since March 5th. Many local governments are releasing cautious plans to reopen. What will we learn from this Pause? We ponder that question in this blog. First off, it’s been along time since I posted on this site. Well, I have been writing. One of my volunteer positions is with the … Read more
Farming is so misunderstood
Even though Della is a self-described townie, she attends the Farm Women’s conference each year. She came home so full of energy from the speakers and with a goody bag of great information. Here are some of her take home learnings. One Hundred years ago, over half of Canadians worked on farms. Now that number … Read more
We don’t support Plant Based Meat
If you’ve followed us for a while you know we are supporters of whole, minimally processed food. If feels like the marketers have gotten a hold of this goal and taken it too far. We wholeheartedly believe in eating 9 to 13 servings of plants each day. Our goal is to eat whole food and … Read more