Go for No changed our perspectives

I’ve always been a goal oriented career person. But, I’ve always been in the public sector. Della has been in front end customer service. Now that we’ve started our own health and wellness franchises we’ve had a lot to learn. We experienced a lot of disappointment until we picked up on a couple lessons. The … Read more

What a summer it was

Of course, were long out of summer now but it’s taken me a while to get back to writing. It was a wild, wild summer of weather. We drove out to BC through snow storms, rain storms, floods and rock slides. On the drive out we barely missed both rock slides and separate floods by … Read more

Our Connected Home

I’ve always thought having a connected Home would be cool. We used to go to a lot of show homes and how intelligent they were impressed me. I saw controlling alot of features from a panel. Nice, but costly and not that convenient. But the cost of a new build with that technology always struck … Read more

Putting it out to the Universe

Della and I have learned that if you put your good thoughts out to the Universe; it will come back to you. This sounded like Hocum to me but I’ve come to believe in it. Besides what’s the point of being negative. Our best recent example happened this past summer. We learned of a job … Read more

Prevention Plus comes to the Cariboo

Michelle Ball comes to the Cariboo region of B.C. to talk about the massive changes she’s made in her life. She lays it out there about what it took. That’s June 19th at Signal Point Casino. Doors open at 6:30, start is 7:00 PM. Tickets are free but we ask you sign up at Eventbrite

The Science behind Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+ is the most researched brand name nutritional product of its kind in the world. The latest study was just released. https://youtu.be/9eibSCcRlv4   I’m excited about this study because it reflects my experience. I reduced my LDL cholesterol from 2.97 to 1.15 after 4 months on Juice Plus+. Taking medication for 8 years did … Read more