It was wonderful. We spent the majority of the summer in the RV. We hit Drumheller, Rimbey and Redwater in Alberta; Williams Lake, Sicamous, Penticton and Quesnel in BC. Being in the RV allows us to visit friends and family. Its wonderful to renew old friendships and make some new ones. It’s very special to be able to run a business anywhere and impact so many peoples health and livelihood.
If there is a downside, most campgrounds have poor internet connections. If we didn’t have a online business I would care less. I don’t understand campgrounds that have poor Internet. Most people I know like to stay in touch by email at the very least. I know we’re a little different in wanting a constant, reliable, fairly quick Internet to conduct business. But still, come on campground owners. We always comment on locations that dont allow us to check our email at the very least.
Here’s a video with a brief description and lots of photos of our summer.
Summer 2016 on Youtube
Mark Boothby
Transform 30 Results
Yes, I was clothes shopping tonight and learned I shop for clothes 4 inches smaller now. Thanks #transform30 and #springsurge. Learn more about Transform 30 here.
Transform 30 April 26, 2016
We’ve tried it and have to pass it on. We re-started Transform 30 two months ago. Our goal is to be on the program for 120 days. We used Transform 30 last year in Williams Lake while in the RV. When we returned to Alberta we got out of the habit. That’s life, we don’t … Read more
New Years Resolutions
Are you one of those people that have New Years Resolutions? So were we, once a long time ago.
The problem we had was that we couldn’t stick to them. It didn’t matter if the resolution was about loosing weight or getting more exercise. A couple weeks or months afterwards, we stopped. Then the guilt and feeling of failure set in. It seemed like an endless cycle.
Then a couple of things happened in our lives. We attended a year long health basics course. I still remember a couple of lessons learned:
- Develop a Mantra. Ours is “Food is just fuel”.
- Use smaller plates. We keep our dinner plates in the cupboard for company and just use the smaller set. It’s funny how your mind works but it does make a difference.
- Plate your food away from the table. This discourages seconds. It works too.
- Half your plate should be coloured green and orange. Eat real food. Portion sizes should be no larger than your palm.
- Drink a glass of water when you wake up, 30 before minutes before each meal and before bed.
- Exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week. In Red Deer we used the gym sets spread though out the Parks.
- Focus on being healthy and weight should follow. We don’t use a scale anymore.
Then we were introduced to Juice Plus. The Trio pills certainly make getting the required amount of fruits and vegetables easier. The corresponding improvement in our health has been astounding. But the trio is only a bridge so we also use the Tower Garden to get fresh vegetables year round. The flavour difference is amazing. It’s like I’ve never eaten lettuce previously.
We completed a 12 day detox program the other day and notice that both of us have lost weight in our faces. This made us think about New Years resolutions again.
This time its different. We have a community that supports and encourages us. That same support could help you too. Click the photo to jump out to the Healthy Living Rules website. If you like what you see, leave a comment.
We encourage you to get involved in the January challenge. Use the site links under blog roll in the left toolbar to visit our site.
For every Trio and Shake order we receive from now until end of January we will also add you to the Holiday Living Rules Facebook page. There you’ll find more recipes, tips and most importantly a supportive community.
Lastly, for every Trio and Shake order we receive from now until the end of January 2016 we will donate $20.00 to Big Brothers and Sisters Canada.
Update to Wifi Ranger review
We’ve put the R.V. away for the winter. I’ve been spending time updating and preparing for next March. I’ve hooked up the WiFi Ranger Go and Elite routers to our home wireless network. They work beautifully delivering speeds nearing 18 meg. Even my old laptop performs well when connected. It appears a good Internet connection … Read more
Our latest event and Winter in Alberta
We recently assisted Jayena Collins present Cochrane Healthy Living with Michelle Ball. Our goal is to promote healthy living around the world. We’ve found that good nutrition has enriched our lives and drastically improved our retirement. Both Della and I are now healthy enough to enjoy our retirement. Consequently, we feel the need to share … Read more
Our new hometown; Cochrane, Alberta
We recently moved back to my home town, Cochrane, AB. Both Della and I feel like its home. It’s a beautiful part of Western Canada. We could post pictures all day but here is a few of our favorites.
Cochrane is barely outside Calgary, home of the famous Calgary Stampede. While Cochrane and Calgary share a western history, they’ve both grown. History is easily visible yet so is the influence of many other cultures. After all Calgary is 1.1 million people and Cochrane over 20 thousand.
We’re in the Bow River Valley so we’re heavily influenced by the Chinook Winds. Chinooks can change the temperature from -40 C (-40 F) to 0 C (32 F) in hours. That’s in winter for anyone not from around here. Temperatures during summer days are moderate. Nights can be cool as we are in the foothills.
Cochrane is in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Canmore, Bragg Creek, Banff and Banff National Park are nearby. Banff is just 100 kms (60 miles) west. Nature is right on the doorstep as Cochrane Ranche Park and Glenbow Provincial Park are just minutes from us.
Our doors are open for coffee or the weekend. Were happy to have coffee or show you around the area. We have a couple of spare bedrooms so bring a weekend bag.
Bow River, Glenbow Provincial ParkCochrane Ranche
Rockyview Hotel, Cochrane
Main Street Cochrane
Bow River Valley and Rockies west of town
Magnificent Blue fall skies
View west from top of Cochrane Hill
Our First Tower Garden Crop
We’ve been talking about how to improve our diet for the past year. We’ve relied on produce from supermarkets as we’ve never had a garden. We’ve found that produce from supermarkets is quick to spoil, simply doesn’t taste as good, isn’t ripe when harvested and consequently doesn’t contain all the nutrients. There’s no criticism there, … Read more
Change of Plans
The economy, health and moving expenses have caused a change of plans. The dollar is hovering around .75 cents US. That causes us to reconsider our travel plans south this summer. By all accounts there is not going to be a turn around for a while. The Canadian election may cause some stability. A change … Read more