What's next

We both feel a little off as a result of the summer in the RV and not focusing as much on our health. Sometimes, its out of your control and this was one of those times. So we’re going to do better and start with a 10 day shred.
We we’re recently at a dinner party and received two comments about how much better we look. So we’re not doing bad but we know we can do better.
We keep it pretty simple and concentrate on:

  • being Hydrated by drinking 2 liters of water daily.
  • Moving our bodies (30 minutes daily)
  • eat real food. We substitute Complete shakes for 2 meals a day. We make sure our plates contain lots of orange and green. We snack on vegetables.
  • getting at least 7, preferable 8 hours of sleep every night.

Pretty simple right. Anyone can do this for 10 days. Care to join us? Contact us at mboothby@shaw.ca

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