We’ve never been entrepreneurs before. Why now?
You probably know that Della and I have had some health issues. Reluctantly on my part, we listened to a friend who believed she had an opportunity for us. One that would assist with our health issues and one that would allow us to semi-retire and fulfill our travel wishes. Sounded too good to be true so I made up all sorts of excuses why it couldn’t be true based on my past.
But, I reached a point where I couldn’t stand the discomfort any more and asked our friend to come back. She was great about introducing us slowly to the product then the business. I struggled along the way. I’m as skeptical as any man I know. Yet time after time I was proven wrong and she was proven correct.
Along the way, my health has improved and I’ve regained my mobility, stopped taking some of my medication, lost weight and inflammation, and taken a part time job that gets me outside all summer long using my hands and my mind. I’ve another part time job in Networking marketing as a franchisee of the Juice Plus+ company. And proud of it too.
Both Della and I have semi-retired. One of our fears was that we’d be watching Netflix all the time. It’s not the case. We meet people daily to discuss the products and the business. It’s a joy to help people improve their health, lifestyle and finances. Another rep introduces himself as helping people look good, feel good and make money. That’s a wonderful introduction that pretty much says it all.
Some of the energetic, fun loving entrepreneurs we’ve met are in the following video from The Freedom Project. Five people talk about their experiences with the product and the business. Notice that its people of different ages. Many millennials are taking advantage of the time freedom.
John Holowaty is a Network Marketer from the United Kingdom with a very large organization. Watch him debunk some of the common myths about network marketing.
What about the risk?
There is no risk. It’s $50.00 C for your franchise. You don’t have product overhead, the company looks after payments and shipping. You are provided a virtual office and a website. We just have to share our story. Our office is where ever we have an Internet connection. If we’re in Cochrane, in the RV, or just have our cells, we can work.
I’m not a salesman
Neither are we. We do care about our health and want to make an impact in our community. We also want to help people. We do this by sharing our story.
It’s a pyramid scheme.
They are illegal. They also involve the person at the top being paid by the people under her. You may decide to develop a team but they own their own franchise and don’t pay you. Also, you don’t have to develop a team if that’s not for you.
I don’t have the skills.
I’ve always worked in public service. I’ve been a Deputy Chief in Emergency Services, a programmer and business analyst in Information Technology, an Investigator and Supervisor in Transportation and Corporal in Highway Patrol. Only a small part of those skills translate into what I do now. Your up line will provide the training you need as long as you step up. There are a lot of local, provincial, national and international events that will both motivate and train you.
Finally, this is a short corporate video showing the business opportunity.
Della and I consider joining Juice Plus to be one of the best and most important decisions of our life. If you’d like to improve your health and wealth, get in touch.
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