It’s definitely a chore to find a family Doctor in Cochrane these days.
We have found Doctors accepting patients in a NW Calgary area. After our first visit, they ordered a round of tests for both of us. Della came through fine. Me not so much.
First though, my comments are not a criticism of anyone. This is just about how my mind works.
A couple of weeks after having the tests done, I got a letter saying my Fit test was positive. The sender is the Forzani & Macphail Colon Cancer Screening Center. That’s the first thing I’ve heard about the test results.
That gets my attention and my heart beating faster. They have scheduled a colonoscopy to look for polyps. The appointment is a couple of weeks out so I tell myself to take a breath and relax. It doesn’t really work.
The package contains an explanation and a video to watch. Both mention Cancer a lot so to say I’m concerned is an understatement.
Over the last 15 years, I’ve learned to be a positive person. What you put out into the universe is what comes back to you. Della and I have spent the last 7 years improving our diet and making sure we get a lot of nutrients into our systems. However, the past 2 years have impacted me. I am extremely troubled.
While doing research into my family’s medical history, I learned my grandmother died of cancer at 59 and received burns from the treatment. While that was 60 years ago that still unsettled me.
I’ve not heard anything good about colonoscopies either. The thought of that gives me chills.
Della is supportive but you can tell she is also worried.
The Outcome
I had to attend an orientation session at the Cancer Screening Center. The staff provided a lot of comfort and great information to get this underway.
I had to go on a low fibre diet 5 days in advance, and take 2 sessions of Colyte (laxative) the night prior. I had to fast for 24 hours and forego sleep. Colyte is very effective so sleep is not really possible. It’s recommended to drink it cold and fast. Great advice, it wasn’t hard to do.
Having a colonoscopy is not something I should have worried about. It was painless and over before I knew it. Yes, I did take an anesthetic.
The results are explained before you leave. In my case, I am polyp and cancer-free and I don’t have to do that again for another 10 years. In fact, the Doctor recommended no more Fit tests for at least a couple of years.
My takeaways.
- Get a family doctor.
- Food is not just food. It’s nutrition and is the fuel your body needs to be healthy.
- Get more fruit and vegetables into your diet. We have learned to cut back on red meat, eat more fruit and vegetables and add Juice Plus+ products to ensure we get the recommended amount of nutrition daily. Juice Plus+ also has the scientific study to back up the claim that it helps your cells to resist mutation.
- Become your own advocate. We’ve learned that many doctors don’t receive much training in nutrition. Also, sessions with doctors are really short and many appear to just want to give you a prescription.
- Rely on the science.
- If you’re scheduled for a colonoscopy, follow the directions.
Needless to say, I’m extremely relieved. We’re looking forward to a worry-free spring and summer at the campground.
We’re so lucky a facility like the Forzani and Macphail Colon Cancer Screening exists. The staff and the information they provide are wonderful. That doesn’t seem like enough praise. I hope they get immense satisfaction from the work they do.