Williams Lake Close Call

Sunday, July 21st kind of hectic. A fire started in the valley, right along side Williams Lake. 4 water bombers, 2 helicopters and a spotter plus ground crew from several departments fought the fire. You can see in our first views black smoke and explosions.

Della and our Executive developed a plan should we had to evacuate the campground. Which was made more difficult with fires both north and south,.

First view of fire from Campground
Williams Lake valley fire courtesy Tribune
Threatened school busses
Water bombers in acrion
Dropping Retardent
Ash falling in and around campground
Fire aftermath ourtest Tribune bune Aftermath courtesy Tribune
Damage to Valley and structores
Helicopter landing next to campground to pickup bicket
Tuesday morning looking up

Tuesday is looking up with the local fire under control and the heat forecasted to break tomorrow

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