The Race to Stampede

From the time we reach the Campground right to the Canada Day weekend it’s a race to get the park and the Stampede site ready.

We spend the first couple of days getting ourselves setup. After all, the days can be long and we need a place to eat, clean up and sleep. Were on-site from April 15th to closing mid October.

Our first goal is to get the Campground ready to receive guests by setting up tables, turning on power and water to each site. Then we turn our attention to the Washhouse which after sitting for the winter takes some cleaning and repairs. Fortunately, this year it was not broken into so this went fairly smoothly.

The 2024 Stampede is the 96th. It runs over 4 days during the Canada Day weekend.

One of the first steps is to repair or replace tables. Thankfully, a dedicated group of volunteers does most of the work.

Thanks to Gord, Deanne, and Dale.

Al Smith spent a good week levelling out the sites.

Of course, every RV needs maintenance, ours included, our basement locks needed a look at, our water heater needed parts and our fridge gave up. Nothing major and promptly fixed.

We have to setup overflow and tenting by mowing, harrowing and marking out sites. That’s a few days work and thanks to the same volunteers, went smoothly.

Well , we didn’t get all the painting done we planned on. But, the campground and Stampede grounds looked wonderful. We received a lot of comments backing that up.

We had a full house the whole weekend. We get excited when we can fit in a last minute tourist who has never been to a rodeo before. We try to accommodate everyone and if your willing to forego services we can probably find a space for you. This year we even had a few late arrivals staying in the maintenance yard. Registrations for the campground and overflow are often sent in a year in advance.

Judging by a the comments received both the campground and rodeo were very well received. We’re looking forward to next year.

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