I didn’t think this would ever happen. We found a product that helps us. Not just a little, a lot and on several layers. That product is Juice Plus+.
A couple of Della’s coworkers, Drew Pasay and Tamara Garstin had been mentioning Juice Plus+ for quite a while. They noticed that Della was having joint problems and believed Juice Plus+ could help. Della was skeptical, admittedly because she knew she’d have a tough sell with me.
We’ve both tried a lot of products over the years. Shakes, multivitamins, extracts, traditional medications, diet, exercise, courses all tried with varying levels of success. One day last fall Della mentioned it to me while I was in the middle of a several month bout of gout. I knew I had to change something in my life. What could I lose?
We signed up for the trio package of capsules.

Within the month we both noticed more energy, better sleep, less joint pain, and less inflammation. You don’t notice the change in energy until days end when you think back and find you’re now able to do much more than you could. Within 3 months we noticed better skin, hair, nails and teeth.
Shortly there after I noticed that I still had periods of gout but they only lasted 1 day and were gone. This alone made it worth the cost.
So far, I’ve also reduced my LDL cholesterol from 2.97 to 1.15. I no longer have to take Crestor. We’re planning to start the Transform 30 plan in May to work on our weight.

When we started getting results, we thought about becoming a Franchisee. Originally, we only wanted to get a reduction in the price of our product. As we started to feel better and get introduced to the people and Juice Plus+ company we wanted to get more involved. We can now stand behind the product and the company with complete faith that it works.
Our goal is to pass along information to our friends, family and people in our lives. We want you to experience the same improvements in health we have. We understand that not everyone is ready to hear the message or has had their own bad experiences with other products. We want to tell you our story about the improvements in our health, introduce people to the clinical research that supports the product, and introduce people who have also experienced the “Juice Plus Effect”.
Along the way we both decided to retire, move to Cochrane, live in the RV a large part of the year and build our Juice Plus+ network. We’ve had great success with our Juice Plus+ franchise the last 2 months. We believe we can make a good income by following the path laid out for us. But the largest reward is helping people improve their health.
One of the best decisions I’ve ever made is to get involved in Della’s Juice Plus+ franchise. Della is the “face and sales person” I’m the “techie”. I’m grateful to Drew, and Tamara for gently reminding us until we saw the light. Especially Della for giving me a reason to want to improve my health for retirement.
For more information check out boothby.canada.juiceplus.com.
Good evening. I used to be a distributor of Juice plus back in Ontario 25-30 years ago. Love the product. I was wondering what a box(4 month supply) is selling for these days. Feel like getting back on it. If you get back in touch with me, we can do business.
I will let you know by email. Thanks for getting in touch.
Thanks for getting back to me Mark. I will take the fruits, vegi. and berries What would be the total amount including tax for a box( 4 month supply) How do you conduct these purchases. Meaning, do I come to you or you come to me or do we meet at Tim Hortons. Please let me know so we can proceed .I await your reply. Thank you. Matt
I’ve sent you an email with answers and an offer to meet.