We’re Della and Mark Boothby. Della has retired from her reception position at a Red Deer accounting firm. I retired October 2014 from Red Deer Emergency Services as Deputy Chief 911 Emergency Communications.
We both retired early due to health concerns. Both of us had inflammation issues Our goal in retirement was to regain our health.
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We’ve had a journey towards improving our health. Many things have helped us improve. The one thing we both agree on is that it really took off when we became aware of the Juice Plus+ product and later the business.
We now live in Cochrane, Alberta. Cochrane is in the Bow Valley which influences the name of this site. The Freedom portion comes from us enjoying our healthy lifestyle and financial independence.
We are well on our way to recovering our health. So much so we’ve taken a multi-year 6 month summer job as campsite hosts at the Williams Lake Stampede Campground. That’s a huge step from where we were.
We’ll use this blog to record our retirement adventures, our travels, and our health and wellness